Why Marty, why do you say you're an asshole? Well gee, let's see. I had three photo shoots arranged from last Saturday through Tuesday. ONE actually showed up. Two were complete no-shows, and the other cancelled the day of. By email.
So today's model cancels. Big fucking surprise. So I contact a friend who I really like and have shot with several times. Yes, let's do it. So after being left hanging for five hours I call to see what's up. "Be at your place in an hour. An hour later, "Hey, ummmm, some friends showed up…" That's fucking great.
I have a friend in a city about an hour away who told me a year ago, "Man it'll be great that you're back in the area!" I've seen her once for about 30 minutes. And yeah, she's been a complete no-show a few times, and can't be bothered to return a fucking phone call.
There is someone who I thought was a pretty close friend, who for no explained reason will no longer speak with me. It ain't sweet.
So yeah…
Clearly I'm a Fucking Asshole.
Fucking. Cock. Suckers.